Hidden Trauma

It’s ok, not to be ok

The Invisible Nature of Pain

Trauma Reach

How Trauma Affects Your Body

Hidden traumas can silently erode our physical, emotional and mental well-being, manifesting in various aspects of our lives. From chronic pain and tension in the body to emotional distress, such as anxiety and depression, these symptoms serve as signals of underlying traumas demanding attention. Mental chatter, fatigue changes in behaviour — all can stem from the draining effects of these hidden traumas.

When to consider healing

Recognising the signs is crucial. Whether it’s persistent physical discomfort, emotional turmoil, or cognitive challenges like overthinking, seeking healing becomes essential. Despite the range of symptoms it can cause, addressing underlying traumas promotes overall well-being and allows you to start healing on a deeper level.

“Don’t just manage your trauma or pain, heal from it” ~ Ellen Pyle

How to find relief

My energetic spinal release treatments offer a holistic approach to healing, transcending mere mental management. Tailored to address hidden traumas, It can provides relief from chronic pain, emotional distress and feelings of disconnect. By restoring balance on a profound level, the treatments can empower you or your child to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.

How to find relief

My energetic spinal release treatments offer a holistic approach to healing, transcending mere mental management. Tailored to address hidden traumas, It can provides relief from chronic pain, emotional distress and feelings of disconnect. By restoring balance on a profound level, the treatments can empower you or your child to embark on a journey of healing and self-discovery.

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