
Your body holds count

Beauty is about a healthy body,
a beautiful heart and a beautiful soul

Reiki Treatment


Reiki is a gentle and transformative alternative therapy that originated in Japan. At its core, Reiki taps into the universal life energy, combining “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” representing life energy. In a Reiki session, I lightly places my hands on or just above your body, facilitating the flow of this universal energy. The aim is to activate your body’s natural healing processes, fostering physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The benefits of Reiki extend beyond mere relaxation. This holistic approach addresses the interconnected aspects of your mind, body, and spirit. By connecting with the universal life energy, Reiki aims to restore balance, reduce stress and promote a sense of overall wellness.

Who’s it for: Anyone who wants it.

During a Reiki treatment, you can anticipate a serene and calming experience. I gently touch or hover my hands above you helps channel the universal energy, creating a harmonious flow within your body. Clients often report feelings of deep relaxation, reduced stress and an enhanced sense of inner peace. While the specific outcomes may vary for each individual, many people undergoing Reiki treatments notice improvements in their overall well-being. This can include increased mental clarity, alleviation of physical discomfort and a general sense of balance and tranquility.

TTC Treatment

Talking to
the Chakras.

Talking to the Chakras (TTC ®) is a gentle cosmic energy that activates your body’s ability to heal through touch. TTC helps relieve tension, stress, and trauma in your body. When your chakras are out of balance, you may experience physical, mental, or emotional symptoms. These issues can be caused by tension, stress, or trauma, which TTC can help resolve. By touching specific points on your body, both physically and energetically, TTC sends signals to your brain. Your brain then signals back to release blockages, activating your body’s self-healing process.

This release may involve movements or emotions without reliving the trauma. Your nervous
system can relax, letting go of what it has held onto for years. When energy flows freely again, it brings peace and space, not just to your body but also to your mind.

Who’s it for: Anyone who wants it.

TTC helps bridge the gap between body and mind, facilitating a reconnection with yourself and your sense of safety. It is particularly crucial in a time marked by increasing burnout and depression. Often, we underestimate the energy required to hold onto buried pain and tension

TTC energy helps release hidden emotions, allowing stress-induced pain to dissipate
effortlessly. While results may vary, many clients report reduced physical discomfort, improved mental clarity and overall inner balance after several treatments.

It is a gentle approach and beneficial for nearly everyone, regardless of age. It’s useful for infants (consider trauma during childbirth, colicky babies, or reflux), children struggling with sleep issues and teenagers experiencing discomfort during their puberty.

Additionally, it’s suitable for individuals with various conditions such as obesity, inflammation, migraines, insomnia, unexplained pain, infertility, and depression. The only exception is during pregnancy; waiting for a while is best.

DISCLAIMER: TTC complements regular healthcare but is not a substitute for it.

While the specific outcomes may vary for each individual, many people undergoing Reiki treatments notice improvements in their overall well-being. This can include increased mental clarity, alleviation of physical discomfort and a general sense of balance and tranquility.

Who can benefit from TTC?


TTC is gentle and beneficial for nearly everyone, regardless of age. It’s useful for infants (consider trauma during childbirth, colicky babies, or reflux), children struggling with sleep issues and teenagers experiencing discomfort during their puberty.  Additionally, it’s suitable for individuals with various conditions. 

Please note: Some exception are:
Pregnancy; best to wait until at least 3 weeks after your delivery.
Mental disorders; I will only work on the body and not your energetic field.

Treatment Prices

Treatement Options

Intake/consult: € 50,- (deducted from your price if you continue with the treatment)



single – € 85,- euro – 45-60 mins


For a relaxing experience and those of maintenance:

Single: € 145,- 1.5u tot 2u

Inclusive: Consultation, card reading, relaxation technique before treatment, treatment & aftercare package. 

For deeper healing needs:

3 treatments – € 399,-

5 treatments – € 599,-

Maintenance price – € 120,-

Children 30 to 45 mins. 

0-5 years   €35,-

6-12 years €55,-

13 -18 years €75,-


Why Book With Me

Holistic and personalised

I don’t offer a one-size-fits-all service. I believe in holistic healing, tailoring each session to your unique experiences and challenges. Your journey to healing encompasses your mind, body, and spirit, and I’ll be there every step of the way.

Genuine healing

Just as you allow yourself to feel a fever when you’re sick, I encourage you to embrace your emotions without suppression. Genuine healing involves facing and releasing trapped traumas, leading you towards self-soothing. With me, you’re not just a client – you’re part of a caring community committed to your well-being.

Safe and Nurturing

Healing thrives in a safe, nurturing space. With me, you’ll find a judgment-free zone where you can freely express and explore your emotions. Choose a supportive environment where you can truly be yourself.

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